This is one of those helpful recordings that will be listened to, shared and discussed by many.What ..
Aliens, Orbs & UFOs
Apparently, we are not alone. Here is what we asked The Council. The answers were not what we expect..
Animals of the Earth
We humans are newcomers to this planet. Other animals have a much longer history than we do on earth..
Body Consciousness
Our relationship with our body is the most important relationship we have this lifetime, and yet..
Children of the Creators
Children of the Creators, The Journey of a Soul.. is an interesting and informative look at the pr..
Elder Years
What a topic. We recorded this a few months early to be released in February 2014..
Our families have a huge effect on our lives and tell us a lot about our soul. The families we are..
Meaning of Life
I have been wanting to do this recording for a while, the big question, the one that I have asked ..
Our Mind
We think, therefore we are... on so many levels it is ‘mind-boggling’! The collective mind, ancest..
Reincarnation Our Lifetimes on Earth
Reincarnation is an interesting and informative look at the proce..
Soul Archetypes
This creativity of this planet never ceases to amaze. In it’s infinite wisdom, it offered up..
Soul Expression
Structure of Spirit If you liked ‘Children of the Creators’, ‘Origins of the Universe’, ‘Reinca..