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  • Spirit Guides

Guardian Angels,   Accessing help from the other side


How else can we get such direct answers besides a direct discussion with Spirit?


What are 'guides' or 'guardian angels'?


How does it all work, who are they and why do they do this for us?


What is the difference in the kinds of guides we have?


What kinds of guides are there, how do they communicate, and are there ET guides?


How can we work together and hear our guides?


So many questions and far more answers are here in this teaching CD, and one thing for sure... we are not on our own with this journey!

We have lots of help and support.

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Spirit Guides

  • Product Code: 1003
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $10.00

Tags: Spirit Guides, Guardian Angels, helpers, spirit, guides, ET, aliens, ancestors, totems, realms, communication, clairvoyance, clairaudience, telepathy, spiritual, mystical, soul stuff, self help, personal development,